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Data Options
Start > Settings > Control Panel >Data Collection > Data Options tab
Bar code manipulation parameter settings on this tab are applied to the incoming data resulting from successful bar
code scans sent to the Thor VM2 for processing.
Note: The Data Options tab contains only those options available for one type of decoding engine.
The Data Options tab contains several options to control bar code processing. Options include:
• Defining custom Code IDs
• Disable processing of specified bar code symbologies
• Rejecting bar code data that is too short or too long
• Stripping characters including Code ID, leading or trailing characters and specified bar code data strings
• Replacing control characters
• Adding a prefix and a suffix.
Enable Code ID
Choose an option in the Enable Code ID drop-down box:
See Data Processing Overview (page 5-40).
Data Options - Symbology Settings
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Data Collection > Data Options tab > Symbology Settings button
The Symbology selected in the Symbology drop-down list defines the symbology for which the data is being con-
figured. The features available on the Symbology panel include the ability to
• individually enable or disable a bar code from scanning,
• set the minimum and maximum size bar code to accept,
• strip Code ID,
• strip data from the beginning or end of a bar code,
• or (based on configurable Bar Code Data) add a prefix or suffix to a bar code.
None Disables transmission of a Code ID. The only entry in the Symbology combo box is All.
Custom ID Does not change the scanner’s Code ID transmission setting. The combo box in the Symbology con-
trol panel is populated with any configured Custom code IDs.
Symbology Settings Individually enable or disable a bar code from being scanned, set the minimum and maxi-
mum size bar code to accept, strip Code ID, strip data from the beginning or end of a bar
code, or (based on configurable Bar Code Data) add a prefix or suffix to a bar code before
Ctrl Char Mapping Define the operations the Wedge performs on control characters (values less than 0x20)
embedded in bar codes.
Custom Identifiers Defines an identifier that is at the beginning of bar code data which acts as a Code ID. After
a Custom Identifier is defined, Symbology Settings can be defined for the identifier just like
standard Code IDs.