10 - 12
Unable to move taskbar The taskbar is moved when switching into user mode. This prevents them from
being visible if the application is exited and restarted by the timer. This error
does not affect the screen mode switch; processing continues.
Unhook taskbar wndproc
AppLock could not remove its control of the taskbar. This error does not affect
AppLock processing
Unhook wndproc failure AppLock could not remove the hook that allows monitoring of the application. LOG_ERROR
Unhooking taskbar In administration mode, the taskbar should return to normal operation, so Ap-
pLock’s control of the taskbar should be removed.
Unhooking wndproc When the administrator leaves user mode, the device is fully operational; there-
fore, AppLock must stop monitoring the locked application.
WM_SIZE adjusted This message denotes that AppLock has readjusted the window size. LOG_EX
X after Ctrl+L Processing the backdoor entry. LOG_EX
Ret from password <#> Return value from password dialog. LOG_EX
Decrypt data len <#> Length of decrypted password. LOG_EX
Window handle to enum-
The window handle that is passed to the enumeration function. This message
can be used by engineering with other development tools to trouble shoot appli-
cation lock failures.
Output the window size after it has been adjusted by AppLock LOG_EX
Message Explanation and/or corrective action Level