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TTLS Inner Method Auto-EAP Authentication method used within the secure tunnel created by EAP-
Options are:
AUTO-EAP (Any available EAP method)
PMK Caching Standard Type of Pairwise Master Key (PMK) caching to use when WPA2 is in
use. PMK caching is designed to speed up roaming between APs by
allowing the client and the AP to cache the results of 802.1X authenti-
cations, eliminating the need to communicate with the ACS server.
Standard PMK is used when there are no controllers. The reauthenti-
cation information is cached on the original AP. The client and the AP
use the cached information to perform the four-way handshake to ex-
change keys. Opportunistic PMK (OPMK) is used when there are con-
trollers. The reauthentication information cached on the controllers.
The client and the controller behind the AP use the cached information
to perform the four-way handshake to exchange keys.
If the selected PMK caching method is not supported by the network in-
frastructure, every roam requires full 802.11X authentication, including
interaction with the ACS server.
If the active profile is using WPA2 CCKM, the global PMK Caching set-
ting is ignored and the client attempts to use CCKM.
Options are: Standard, OPMK
WAPI Off Default is Off and dimmed (cannot be changed).
TX Diversity ABG: On How to handle antenna diversity when transmitting packets to the Ac-
cess Point.
Options are: Main only (use the main antenna only), Aux only (use the
auxiliary antenna only), or On (use diversity or both antennas).
RX Diversity ABG: On Start on Main How to handle antenna diversity when receiving packets from the Ac-
cess Point.
Options are: Main Only (use the main antenna only), Aux Only (use the
auxiliary antenna only), On-start on Main (on startup, use the main an-
tenna), or On-start on Aux (on startup, use the auxiliary antenna).
Frag Thresh 2346 If the packet size (in bytes) exceeds the specified number of bytes set
in the fragment threshold, the packet is fragmented (sent as several
pieces instead of as one block). Use a low setting in areas where com-
munication is poor or where there is a great deal of wireless interfer-
This parameter cannot be changed.
RTS Thresh 2347 If the packet size exceeds the specified number of bytes set in the Re-
quest to Send (RTS) threshold, an RTS is sent before sending the pack-
et. A low RTS threshold setting can be useful in areas where many
client devices are associating with the Access Point.
This parameter cannot be changed.
LED Off The LED on the wireless card is not visible to the user when the wireless
card is installed in a sealed mobile device.
Options are: On, Off.
This parameter cannot be changed.
Tray Icon On Determines if the Summit icon is displayed in the System tray.
Options are: On, Off
Hide Password On When On, the Summit Config Utility masks passwords (characters on
the screen are displayed as an *) as they are typed and when they are
viewed. When Off, password characters are not masked.
Options are: On, Off.
Parameter Default Function