1606218 02 08/2006
Error Codes
(EMCY bytes
The table below lists the error codes and their meanings:
Diagnostics Description
0000H ERROR_RESET_OR_NO_ERROR Clearing of one, or all, errors
1000H GENERIC_ERROR Internal communication error
2100H CURRENT_DEVICE_INPUT_SIDE Detector power supply short-circuit
(M12 connector)
2320H SHORT_CIRCUIT_AT_OUTPUTS Output short-circuit
3100H MAINS_VOLTAGE Splitter power supply voltage < 18V
3120H INPUT_VOLTAGE_TOO_LOW Sensor power supply voltage < 18V
3310H OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_TO_HIGH Actuator power supply voltage > 30V
3320H OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_TO_LOW Actuator power supply voltage < 18V
6101H SOFTWARE_RX_QUEUE_OVERRUN The receive buffer has exceeded its
internal memory capacity
6102H SOFTWARE_TX_QUEUE_OVERRUN The transmit buffer has exceeded its
internal memory capacity
8100H COMMUNICATION Synchronization, transmit/receive error
counter > 96
8120H CAN_IN_ERROR_PASSIVE_MODE CAN controller interrupted
8130H LIFE_GUARD_ERROR Node-Guarding error
8140H BUS_OFF The transmit error counter has
exceeded its capacity
9000H EXTERNAL_ERROR Detection of wire cut on sensor
F000H ADDITIONAL_FUNCTION Actuator voltage < 12VDC