The Object Dictionary
1606218 02 08/2006 135
Object 1000H: Device Type
Description This object indicates the device type and its functionalities.
The least significant word indicates the profile number (401 or 191H, for CANopen
standard inputs / outputs).
The most significant word is known as the "additional information" and provides
details of the device's functionalities:
Characteristics The characteristics of this object are outlined in the following table:
Bit Valid if bit = 1
0 The device has discrete inputs
1 The device has discrete outputs
2 The device has analog inputs
3 The device has analog outputs
Splitter box Hexadecimal code Decimal code
FTB 1CN16EP0 010191H 65 937
FTB 1CN16EM0 010191H 65 937
FTB 1CN16CP0 030191H 197 009
FTB 1CN16CM0 030191H 197 009
FTB 1CN08E08SP0 030191H 197 009
FTB 1CN08E08CM0 030191H 197 009
FTB 1CN12E04SP0 030191H 197 009
Sub-index Description Data type Default value Access PDO Mapping Backed up
- - UNSIGNED32 See list ro no no