Release 1.0, 1 July 2002 F. Chapter Q Performance Instrumentation 205
Instruction Count (instruction_counts)
Counts the number of committed instructions. For user or system mode counts,
this counter is exact. Combined with the cycle_counts, it provides instructions per
IPC = instruction_counts / cycle_counts
If Instruction_counts and cycle_counts are both collected for user or system mode,
IPC in user or system mode can be derived.
Load/Store Instruction Count (load_store_instructions)
Counts the committed load/store instructions. Also counts atomic load-store
Branch Instruction Count (branch_instructions)
Counts the committed branch instructions. Also counts CALL, JMPL, and
RETURN instructions.
Floating Point Instruction Count (floating_instructions)
Counts the committed floating-point operations (FPop1 and FPop2). Does not
count Floating-Point Multiply-and-Add instructions.
Impdep2 Instruction Count (impdep2_instructions)
Counts the committed Floating Multiply-and-Add instructions.
Counter Any
Encoding 000001
Counter Any
Encoding 001000
Counter Any
Encoding 001001
Counter Any
Encoding 001010
Counter Any
Encoding 001011