Mitsubishi Electronics 13JW55 Network Card User Manual

6 - 5
6.1.3 Changing the current value of the device "T"
Activate the CPU before this operation.
1) Click [Debug] [Modify Value].
1) Click!
2) Enter "T0"!
3) Select!
4) Enter "1000"!
5) Click!
2) The Modify Value dialog box is displayed.
Enter "T0" in the "Device/Label" list box.
3) Select "Word[Signed]" from the "Data Type"
list box.
4) Enter "1000" in the "Value" column.
5) After the setting is completed, click the
button to change the current value of
T0 to 1000 forcibly.
Check with demonstration machine
1) Confirm that the value on the digital display (Y50-Y5F) is 1000 when the
key is pressed.
With the same procedure, the current values of word devices other than the
timer (T) also can be changed.