2 - 37
2.7 Writing/Reading Data to/from Programmable Controller CPU
(1) Writing data to the CPU
2) Set the switch to "STOP"!
1) Suppose that the ladder program (sequence
program) has been created with GX Works2
to proceed to the next step.
2) Set the RUN/STOP/RESET switch on the
3) Click!
3) Click
on the toolbar or click [Online]
→ [Write to PLC].
4) Select a program to be
written by clicking on data!
5) Click!
4) From the "PLC Module" tab, click to select
the program and parameter to write to the
CPU. Or click Parameter + Program
select the target program and parameter.
5) Click Execute to accept the selection.
6) Click!
(To the next page)
6) If a parameter or program has already been
written, the confirmation dialog box for
overwriting the data is displayed. Click