(3) Set the “homing direction” in the “Homing” dialog box.
The initial value that should be set depends on the homing direction. Enter “#20 = 1” if
the homing direction is CW and “#20 = 0” if it is CCW.
(4) Click the “Start” button to start the homing operation.
1) The homing operation finishes automatically after the operation is completed.
In the event of
• The homing operation does not finish, and
• The motor does not stop even when the home position sensor is detected,
Click “Abort (A)” to stop the motor, then check “wiring” and “auto-tuning” again.
2) If a homing abnormality message is displayed, follow the message to adjust the
flag position using the limit value as a guideline. If an error occurs, press “ErrReset”
as well.
The current setting values for the “homing
related” parameters are displayed.
3) Click the “Set” button.
2) Enter 1 in the Setting Value box.
Make sure to press the return key;
otherwise the entry is not made valid.
1) The current setting values are displayed in the
Setting value box by clicking grid “#20.”
Click “Start.”