System Control Coprocessor
ARM DDI 0363E Copyright © 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 4-46
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The Data Fault Status Register is:
• a read/write register
• accessible in Privileged mode only.
Figure 4-31 shows the bit arrangement in the Data Fault Status Register.
Figure 4-31 Data Fault Status Register format
Table 4-28 shows how the bit values correspond with the Data Fault Status Register functions.
To use the DFSR read or write CP15 with:
MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c5, c0, 0 ; Read Data Fault Status Register
MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c5, c0, 0 ; Write Data Fault Status Register
c5, Instruction Fault Status Register
The Instruction Fault Status Register (IFSR) holds status information regarding the source of
the last instruction abort.
The Instruction Fault Status Register is:
• a read/write register
• accessible in Privileged mode only.
Figure 4-32 on page 4-47 shows the bit arrangement in the Instruction Fault Status Register.
31 8 7 4 3 0
Table 4-28 Data Fault Status Register bit functions
Bits Field Function
[31:13] Reserved SBZ.
[12] SD Distinguishes between an AXI Decode or Slave error on an external abort. This bit is only valid
for external aborts. For all other aborts types of abort, this bit is set to zero:
0 = AXI Decode error (DECERR) caused the abort
1 = AXI Slave error (SLVERR, or OKAY in response to exclusive read transaction) caused the
[11] RW Indicates whether a read or write access caused an abort:
0 = read access caused the abort
1 = write access caused the abort.
S Part of the Status field.
[9:8] - Always read as 0. Writes ignored.
[7:4] Domain SBZ. This is because domains are not implemented in this processor.
Status Indicates the type of fault generated. To determine the data fault, you must use bit [12] and bit [10]
in conjunction with bits [3:0].
a. For more information on how these bits are used in reporting faults, see Table 4-27 on page 4-45.