System Control Coprocessor
ARM DDI 0363E Copyright © 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 4-53
ID013010 Non-Confidential, Unrestricted Access
To access the MPU Region Access Control Registers read or write CP15 with:
MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c6, c1, 4 ; Read Region access control Register
MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c6, c1, 4 ; Write Region access control Register
To execute instructions in User and Privileged modes:
• the region must have read access as defined by the AP bits
• the XN bit must be set to 0.
c6, MPU Memory Region Number Register
The MPU Region Registers are multiple registers with one register for each memory region
implemented. The value contained in the MPU Memory Region Number Register determines
which of the multiple registers is accessed.
The MPU Memory Region Number Registers are:
• read/write register
• accessible in Privileged mode only.
Figure 4-37 shows the arrangement of bits in the register.
Figure 4-37 MPU Memory Region Number Register format
Table 4-35 shows how the bit values correspond with the MPU Memory Region Number
Register bits.
To access the MPU Memory Region Number Register, read or write CP15 with:
MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c6, c2, 0 ; Read MPU Memory Region Number Register
MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c6, c2, 0 ; Write MPU Memory Region Number Register
Writing this register with a value greater than or equal to the number of regions from the MPU
Type Register is Unpredictable. Associated register bank accesses are also Unpredictable.
b011 Read/write Read/write Full access
b100 UNP UNP Reserved
b101 Read-only No access Privileged read-only
b110 Read-only Read-only Privileged/User read-only
b111 UNP UNP Reserved
Table 4-34 Access data permission bit encoding (continued)
AP bit values Privileged permissions User permissions Description
31 40
Reserved Region
Table 4-35 MPU Memory Region Number Register bit functions
Bits Field Function
[31:4] Reserved SBZ.
[3:0] Region Defines the group of registers to be accessed. Read the MPU Type Register to determine the number
of supported regions, see c0, MPU Type Register on page 4-17.