AC Characteristics
ARM DDI 0363E Copyright © 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 15-9
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Table 15-13 shows the timing parameters for the AXI slave output ports.
Clock uncertainty 60% AWPROTM[2:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% AWUSERM[4:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% AWVALIDM
Clock uncertainty 60% WIDM[3:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% WDATAM[63:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% WSTRBM[7:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% WLASTM
Clock uncertainty 60% WVALIDM
Write response channel
Clock uncertainty 60% BREADYM
Clock uncertainty 60% ARIDM[3:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% ARADDRM[31:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% ARLENM[3:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% ARSIZEM[2:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% ARBURSTM[1:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% ARLOCKM[1:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% ARCACHEM[3:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% ARPROTM[2:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% ARUSERM[4:0]
Clock uncertainty 60% ARVALIDM
Clock uncertainty 60% RREADYM
Clock uncertainty 60% AWPARITYM
Clock uncertainty 60% WPARITYM
Clock uncertainty 60% ARPARITYM
Clock uncertainty 50% AXIMPARERR[1:0]
Table 15-13 AXI slave output ports timing parameters
Output delay
Output delay
Signal name
Clock uncertainty 60% AWREADYS
Clock uncertainty 60% WREADYS
Clock uncertainty 60% BIDS[7:0]
Table 15-12 AXI master output port timing parameters (continued)
Output delay
Output delay
Signal name