ARM r1p3 Computer Hardware User Manual

System Control Coprocessor
ARM DDI 0363E Copyright © 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 4-72
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4.2.30 Build Options Registers
Build options registers reflect the build configuration options used to build the processor. They
do not reflect any pin-configuration options. These registers are:
read-only registers
accessible in Privileged mode only.
These registers are implemented from the r1pm releases of the processor. Attempting to access
these registers in r0pm releases of the processor results in an Undefined Instruction exception.
c15, Build Options 1 Register
Figure 4-55 shows the bit arrangement for the Build Options 1 Register.
Figure 4-55 Build Options 1 Register format
Table 4-54 shows how the bit values correspond with the Build Options 1 Register.
To access the Build Options 1 Register, write CP15 with:
MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c15, c2, 0 ; read Build Options 1 Register
c15, Build Options 2 Register
Figure 4-56 on page 4-73 shows the bit arrangement for the Build Options 2 Register.
31 11 012
Table 4-54 Build Options 1 Register
Bits Field Function
[31:12] TCM_HI_INIT_ADDR Default high address for the TCM.
[11:0] Reserved SBZ