Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Mapping Certificates to IPsec or SSL VPN Connection Profiles
Note You cannot modify an address pool if it is already in use. If you click Edit and the
address pool is in use, ASDM displays an error message and lists the connection names
and usernames that are using the addresses in the pool.
To remove address pool on the ASA, select the entry in the table and click Delete.
Note You cannot remove an address pool if it is already in use. If you click Delete and the
address pool is in use, ASDM displays an error message and lists the connection names
that are using the addresses in the pool.
• To assign address pools to an interface, click Add in the Add IPsec Remote Access Connection or
Add SSL VPN Access Connection dialog box. The Assign Address Pools to Interface dialog box
opens. Select the interface to be assigned an address pool. Click Select next to the Address Pools
field. The Select Address Pools dialog box opens. Double-click each unassigned pool you want to
assign to the interface or choose each unassigned pool and click Assign. The adjacent field displays
the list of pool assignments. Click OK to populate the Address Pools field with the names of these
address pools, then OK again to complete the configuration of the assignment.
• To change the address pools assigned to an interface, double-click the interface, or choose the
interface in the Add IPsec Remote Access Connection or Add SSL VPN Access Connection dialog
box and click Edit. The Assign Address Pools to Interface dialog box opens. To remove address
pools, double-click each pool name and press the Delete button on the keyboard. Click Select next
to the Address Pools field if you want to assign additional fields to the interface. The Select Address
Pools dialog box opens. Note that the Assign field displays the address pool names that remained
assigned to the interface. Double-click each unassigned pool you want to add to the interface. The
Assign field updates the list of pool assignments. Click OK to revise the Address Pools field with
the names of these address pools, then OK again to complete the configuration of the assignment.
• To remove an entry from the Add IPsec Remote Access Connection or Add SSL VPN Access
Connection dialog box, choose the entry and click Delete.
The Add IPsec Remote Access Connection and Add SSL VPN Access Connection dialog boxes and their
descendent dialog boxes are identical. Use the following sections to understand or assign values to the
fields in these dialog boxes:
• Add IPsec Remote Access Connection and Add SSL VPN Access Connection
• Assign Address Pools to Interface
• Select Address Pools
• Add or Edit IP Pool
• Add or Edit IP Pool
Add IPsec Remote Access Connection and Add SSL VPN Access Connection
To access the Add IPsec Remote Access Connection and Add SSL VPN Access Connection dialog
boxes, choose Config > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > IPsec or SSL VPN
Connections > Add or Edit > Advanced > Client Addressing.
Use the following descriptions to assign values to the fields in this dialog box: