
Firmware Download Instructions 6 - 7
Figure 6-3. Post-ProComm Installation Screen
This last step of the installation loads the ProComm configuration file. The
configuration file sets the parameters that are used by ProComm to
communicate with the Bridge Module. The parameters are as follows:
Note: Baud = 9600
Data Bits = 8
Stop Bits = 2
Parity = None
COM Port = (Port number selected in Step 7)
Connect the RS-232 Cable
This step connects your PC to the Bridge Module so you can download the
software to the Flash EPROM. Follow the instructions below:
1. Connect the provided RS-232 cable to the Bridge Module RS-232 serial
port connector on the front panel of the module.
Firmware Distribution Kit Copyright 199X 3Com Corporation
This Firmware Distribution Kit will install and configure ProComm,
a terminal emulation program, on you computer’s hard disk or on a
second floppy drive. The program will reside in the directory
called PROCOMM. Make sure you have the PROCOMM Distribution
Diskette and the 3Com Firmware Distribution Diskette ready at all
times during the installation.