Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 4-25
Sample User File The following is a sample user file. Each RADIUS vendor may have a
different method for configuring user files. In this sample, text values are
defined that represent the actual values used by the Avaya switch using the
directives ATTRIBUTE and VALUE.
Two user accounts are shown: a use account that is not assigned to a group
and a user account that is assigned to a group. The first account is Bob with
password BooBoo. Bob is allowed to log in only to the NAD at Bob is also granted administrative privileges.
The second account is Ann with password Pokey. The NAD she logs in to
must be configured to use group AvayaSwitches. She is granted read-only
permission to the CLI (either Telnet or serial cable to the supervisor console
# define the Avaya Vendor Specific Attributes
ATTRIBUTE Avaya-Service-Type
ATTRIBUTE Avaya-Mgt-Type
# Note: NAS-IP-Address is a Standard RADIUS Attribute
# define the Avaya-Service-Types
VALUE Avaya-Service-Type Avaya-Administrative 3
VALUE Avaya-Service-Type Avaya-Read-Write 2
VALUE Avaya-Service-Type Avaya-Read-Only 1
# define the Avaya Management Types
VALUE Avaya-Mgt-Type Avaya-Mgt-All 1
VALUE Avaya-Mgt-Type Avaya-Console-CLI 2
VALUE Avaya-Mgt-Type Avaya-Remote-CLI 3
VALUE Avaya-Mgt-Type Avaya-Web 4
# define User Accounts
Bob Password = "BooBoo", NAS-IP-Address = ""
Service-Type = Administrative
Ann Password = "Pokey", Avaya-Group = "AvayaSwitches"
Avaya-Service-Type = Avaya-Read-Only
Avaya-Management-Type = Avaya-Local-CLI
Avaya-Management-Type = Avaya-Remote-CLI
Sample Client File The following is a sample client file. Client files hold the IP address(es) of
the NADs and their associated Shared Secrets. Client files may vary from
vendor to vendor. Consult the vendor documentation on how to configure
Client files.
#Client Name Shared Secret
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