Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 2-23
Setting Up the Switch
6. To change the number of weeks for which the user account is valid,
change the setting of the Expiration Period (weeks) field. The
expiration period can range from 3 to 999 weeks. The default setting is
0, no expiration.
7. To change the number of weeks before user account expiration that the
user is warned, change the setting of the Expiration Warning (weeks)
field. The expiration warning can range from 0 to the expiration period.
A setting of 0 indicates that no warning is generated.
8. In the Status field, select Enable or Disable to change the status of the
user account.
When a user account expires, you reset the account by changing the
setting of this field from Disable to Enable.
9. Click APPLY.
CLI Commands To modify a user account, use the following CLI commands:
■ To modify a user account, (configure)# username <name>
password [encrypted-type1] <passwd> [access-type {read-only |
read-write | admin | <catName>}] [mgmt-type [all] [local-cli]
[remote-cli] [web]]
■ To modify the expiration period or expiration warning for a user
(configure)# username <name> [exp-period <exp-
period>] [exp-warning <exp-warning>]
■ To modify the status of a user account, (configure)#
username <name> status {enable | disable}
■ To view the settings for a user account, > show username