Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 6-23
Using VLANs, Hunt Groups, and VTP Snooping
CLI Commands Use the following CLI commands to configure a hunt group:
■ To create a hunt group, (configure)# set huntgroup
<huntgroup-name> [load-sharing {enable | disable}]
■ To enable or disable the auto flush feature for the ports participating
in a hunt group,
(configure)# set huntgroup auto-flush
<huntgroup-name> {enable | disable}
Adding Ports to the Hunt Group
Once you have created and named a hunt group, you can add as many
additional ports as needed to the hunt group. The next two hunt group
configuration steps, adding physical ports, and switch ports to the hunt
group, can be done using the Web Agent or the CLI.
Web Agent
To add ports to a hunt group using the Web Agent:
1. In the navigation pane, expand the Modules and Ports folder, and then
click Configuration. The Module Information Web page is displayed in
the content pane. See Figure 6-11.
Figure 6-11. Module Information Web Page