Appendix A
A-2 User Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
Backing Up the Current Software
The Avaya Multiservice switches have two memory locations for storing
the embedded switch software: APP1 and APP2. These two memory
locations make it possible to store the current software in one APP location
and download the new software to the other APP location.
Saving the current software in one APP location ensures that you could run
this earlier version of software, if you encounter any problem with the new,
downloaded software.
When upgrading the switch from v5.x application software to v6.0 or
later, you must download v6.x to the APP2 memory location. If you
download v6.x to APP1, and store v5.x software in APP2, the 6.x
software is corrupted. Once v6.x software is successfully stored in
APP2, you can download v6.x to APP1.
Web Agent
To determine the versions of application software that are stored in APP1
and APP2:
1. In the navigation pane, expand the System > Memory folders.
2. Select FEPROM.
The FEPROM Contents Web page is displayed in the content pane
(Figure A-1). The S/W Version field displays the version of application
software that is stored in APP1 and APP2.