Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 19-11
Configuring AppleTalk Routing
4. Click APPLY to add the static route, or CANCEL to restore previous
settings. When you click APPLY, you are returned to the AppleTalk
Static Route Web page. See Figure 19-8.
Figure 19-8. AppleTalk Static Route Web Page.
Table 19-2. Add AppleTalk Static Route Web Page Parameters
Parameter Definition
Network Range Start Enter the starting network number. The network
number specifies the range of AppleTalk network
numbers for extended networks. Each number in the
range must be an integer between 1 and 65279.
Note: Network Range Start must be less than or equal
to Network Range End.
Network Range End Enter the ending network number. The network number
specifies the range of AppleTalk network numbers for
extended networks. Each number in the range must be
an integer between 1 and 65279.
Network Number Enter the next hop network number. This number
specifies the network number of the next hop router for
the network range.
Node Enter the next hop node identification number. This
number must be between 1 and 253.
Type Select the type of static route. The options include:
• High - The static route is not superseded by a
route update.
• Low - The static route can be superseded by a
route update.
Zone Enter an AppleTalk zone name assigned to this route.
Zone names may be up to 32 characters in length.