1. About this manual
2. Marks giving caution
Maintenance operations requiring special cautions or additional information to descriptions of this
manual are presented as "Warning", "Caution", or "Note", according to their nature.
If instructions are not observed, death or serious injury may be caused.
If instructions are not observed, injuries of workers or physical damages to assets
(including this laser printer) may result.
Particularly important essentials for procedures, steps, rules, and others.
Reference Incidental information to descriptions.
3. Related documents
T Instruction manuals (standard manuals)
Describe operation and handling of this laser printer.
T Performance specifications
Describe in detail various specifications of this laser printer.
(In the event of discrepancy between this manual and the performance specifications, the performance
specifications shall take preference.)
T Video interface specifications
Detailed video interface specifications for this laser printer
T Spare parts list
Information on maintenance parts (spare parts) for this laser printer
This manual is a standard service manual of
Dell Inc.
containing information
reTuired for maintenance
of this laser printer (standard specifications).