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variables are locked automatically.) Finally, unarchive the variable and delete the unused
variables so that they will not take up memory.
Steps and keystrokes Display
1. From the Home screen, assign variables
with the following variable types.
Expression: 5 !x1
Function: x
+4 !f(x)
List: {5,10} !L1
Matrix: [30,25] !m1
Press " M 5 9 X1 ¸ X Z
2 « 4 9 j F c X d ¸ 2 [
5 b 10 2 \ 9 j L1 ¸ 2
g 30 b 25 2 h 9 j M1 ¸
2. Suppose you start to perform an
operation using a function variable but
can’t remember its name.
Press 5 p
3. Display the
VAR-LINK screen.
This example assumes that the variables
assigned above are the only ones
Press 2 °