Basic Function Graphing 325
Using Zooms to Explore a Graph
Using Zooms to Explore a GraphUsing Zooms to Explore a Graph
Using Zooms to Explore a Graph
The „ Zoom toolbar menu has several tools that let you adjust the viewing window. You
can also save a viewing window for later use.
Overview of the Zoom Menu
Overview of the Zoom MenuOverview of the Zoom Menu
Overview of the Zoom Menu
Press „ from the Y= Editor, Window Editor, or Graph screen.
Note: If you select a Zoom tool from the Y=Editor or Window Editor, the TI-89 Titanium
automatically displays the Graph screen.
Procedures for using
ZoomBox, ZoomIn,
ZoomOut, ZoomStd, Memory, and SetFactors
are given later in this section.
For more information about the other items,
refer to the Technical Reference module.
Zoom Tool Description
ZoomBox Lets you draw a box and zoom in on that box.
Lets you select a point and zoom in or out by an amount
defined by SetFactors.
@x and @y to .1, and centers the origin.
ZoomSqr Adjusts Window variables so that a square or circle is
shown in correct proportion (instead of a rectangle or