Numeric Solver 677
You can explore the graph by using the free-moving cursor, tracing, zooming, etc., as
described in Basic Function Graphing.
How the Graph Affects Various Settings
How the Graph Affects Various SettingsHow the Graph Affects Various Settings
How the Graph Affects Various Settings
When you use the Numeric Solver to display a graph:
• The following modes are changed automatically to these settings:
Note: If you were previously using different mode settings, you will need to reselect
those settings manually.
• All stat plots are deselected.
• After you leave the Numeric Solver, the Graph screen may continue to display the
equation’s solution, ignoring any selected Y= functions. If so, display the Y= Editor
and then return to the Graph screen. Also, the graph is reset when you change the
Graph mode or use
ClrGraph from the Home screen († 5) or a program.
Mode Setting
Any functions selected in the
Y= Editor will not be graphed.
Split Screen LEFT-RIGHT
Number of Graphs 1