Split Screens 514
Using 2nd QUIT to Display the Home Screen
Using 2nd QUIT to Display the Home ScreenUsing 2nd QUIT to Display the Home Screen
Using 2nd QUIT to Display the Home Screen
Note: Pressing 2K twice always exits the split screen mode.
When Using a Top-Bottom Split
When Using a Top-Bottom SplitWhen Using a Top-Bottom Split
When Using a Top-Bottom Split
When you select a TOP-BOTTOM split, remember that the entry line and the toolbar are
always associated with the active application. For example:
If the Home screen:
Is not already displayed Opens the Home screen in place of the
active application.
Is displayed, but is not the active
Switches to the Home screen and
makes it the active application.
Is the active application Exits the split screen mode and
displays a full-sized Home screen.
Entry line is for the active
Y= Editor, not the Graph
Toolbar is for the active
Graph screen, not the
Y= Editor.