Texas Instruments TI-89 Calculator User Manual

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Voyage™ 200 Shortcut Keys
Voyage™ 200 Shortcut KeysVoyage™ 200 Shortcut Keys
Voyage™ 200 Shortcut Keys
On-screen Keyboard Map (
On-screen Keyboard Map ( On-screen Keyboard Map (
On-screen Keyboard Map (
¥ [KEY])
Press N to exit the map.
See the table below for shortcuts that are not marked on
Voyage™ 200 keyboard. See the next column for
accent marks and Greek letters.
Editing Editing
3D Graphing
3D Graphing 3D Graphing
3D Graphing
Accent Marks
Accent Marks Accent Marks
Accent Marks
Greek Letters
Greek LettersGreek Letters
Greek Letters
If you press a key combination that does not access a
Greek letter, you get the normal letter for that key.
¥ O List of Flash applications (if
desktop is off)
Toggle between last two chosen
applications or split screens
¥ D Copy graph coordinates to
¥ F Display FORMATS dialog box
¥ H Copy graph coordinates to
Home screen history
¥ N Create new variable
¥ O Open existing variable
¥ S Save copy as
¥ |, ¥ «Ç Lighten or darken contrast
¥ ¸ Calculate approximate answer
¥ ´ Turn off unit so that it returns to
current application the next
time you turn it on
¥ 1¥ 6 Run programs kbdprgm1()
through kbdprgm6()
2 X
¦ (comment)
¥ µ (zero)
¥ C Move cursor to top
¥ D Move cursor to bottom
A Move cursor to far left
B Move cursor to far right
C, D
Scroll tall objects in history
C, 2 D Page up and page down
¥ X Cut
¥ C Copy
¥ V Paste
C, D, A, B
Animate graph
«, |
Change animation speed
X, Y, Z
View along axis
µ (zero)
Return to original view
Change graph format style
Expanded/normal view
A + letter
à, è, ì, ò, ù, À, È, Ì, Ò, Ù
2 C + letter
ç, Ç
2 E + letter
á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý
2 N + letter
ã, ñ, õ, Ã, Ñ, Õ
2 O + letter
â, ê, î, ô, û, Â, Ê, Î, Ô, Û
2 U + letter
ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, ÿ, Ä, Ë, Ï, Ö, Ü
2 G
To access the Greek
character set
G + letter
To access lowercase Greek
letters. Example: 2
displays ω
2G ¤ + letter
To access uppercase Greek
letters. Example: 2
G ¤ W