Differential Equation Graphing 446
Before using deSolve( ), clear any existing t and y variables. Otherwise, an error occurs.
1. In the Home screen
@ " "use
deSolve( ) to
find the general solution.
2. Use the solution to define a function.
a) Press C to highlight the solution in
the history area. Then press ¸ to
autopaste it into the entry line.
b) Insert the
Define instruction at the
beginning of the line. Then press
Note: Press 2A to move to the
beginning of the entry line.
3. For an initial condition
y=10 with t=0, use
solve( ) to find the @1 constant.
Note: If you got a different constant (@2,
etc.), solve for that constant.
@1 represents a
constant. You may
get a different
constant (@2, etc.).
For @, type