Number Bases 684
Size Limitations When Base = HEX or BIN
Size Limitations When Base = HEX or BINSize Limitations When Base = HEX or BIN
Size Limitations When Base = HEX or BIN
When Base=HEX or BIN, an integer result is stored internally as a signed, 32-bit binary
number, which uses the range (shown in hexadecimal and decimal):
If a result’s magnitude is too large to be stored in a signed, 32-bit binary form, a
symmetric modulo operation brings the result into the range. Any number greater than
0h7FFFFFFF is affected. For example, 0h80000000 through 0hFFFFFFFF become
negative numbers.
Comparing or Manipulating Bits
Comparing or Manipulating BitsComparing or Manipulating Bits
Comparing or Manipulating Bits
The following operators and functions let you compare or manipulate bits in a binary
number. You can enter an integer in any number base. Your entries are converted to
binary automatically for the bitwise operation, and results are displayed according to the
Base mode.Boolean Operations
Operator with syntax Description
not integer Returns the one’s complement, where each bit
is flipped.
? integer
Returns the two’s complement, which is the
one’s complement + 1.