Memory and Variable Management 707
If you paste a variable name that is not in the current folder, the variable’s pathname is
Archiving and Unarchiving a Variable
Archiving and Unarchiving a VariableArchiving and Unarchiving a Variable
Archiving and Unarchiving a Variable
To archive or unarchive one or more variables interactively, use the VAR-LINK screen.
You can also perform these operations from the Home screen or a program.
Why Would You Want to Archive a Variable?
Why Would You Want to Archive a Variable?Why Would You Want to Archive a Variable?
Why Would You Want to Archive a Variable?
The user data archive lets you:
• Store data, programs, or any other variables to a safe location where they cannot be
edited or deleted inadvertently.
• Create additional free RAM by archiving variables. For example:
- You can archive variables that you need to access but do not need to edit or
change, or variables that you are not using currently but need to retain for future
Note: You cannot archive variables with reserved names or system variables.
- If you acquire additional programs for your TI-89 Titanium, particularly if they are
large, you may need to create additional free RAM before you can install those
Assuming that CLASS is not the current folder, this is
pasted if you highlight the a2 variable in CLASS.