Appendix B: Technical Reference 916
163 Attribute (8-digit number) of object (8-digit number) not found
165 Batteries too low for sending or receiving
Install new batteries before sending or receiving.
170 Bound
For the interactive graph math functions like 2:Zero, the lower bound
must be less than the upper bound to define the search interval.
180 Break
The ´ key was pressed during a long calculation or during program
185 Checksum error
190 Circular definition
This message is displayed to avoid running out of memory during
infinite replacement of variable values during simplification. For
example, a+1! a, where a is an undefined variable, will cause this
200 Constraint expression invalid
For example, solve(3x^2-4=0, x) | x<0 or x>5 would produce this
error message because the constraint is separated by “or” and not
205 Data is too big to save to a variable. Please use F6 Util to reduce the
The size of the data in the editor exceeds the maximum size that can
be saved in a variable. The F6 Util menu provides operations that
can be used to reduce the size of the data.
210 Data type
An argument is of the wrong data type.
220 Dependent limit
A limit of integration is dependent on the integration variable. For
example, ä‰(x^2,x,1,x) is not allowed.
225 Diff Eq setup
230 Dimension
A list or matrix index is not valid. For example, if the list {1,2,3,4} is
stored in L1, then L1[5] is a dimension error because L1 only
contains four elements.
240 Dimension mismatch
Two or more arguments must be of the same dimension. For
example, [1,2]+[1,2,3] is a dimension mismatch because the
matrices contain a different number of elements.
250 Divide by zero
260 Domain error
An argument must be in a specified domain. For example, ans(100)
is not valid because the argument for ans() must be in the range 1–
270 Duplicate variable name
Number Description