Memory and Variable Management 708
Additional free RAM can improve performance times for certain types of calculations.
From the VAR-LINK Screen
From the VAR-LINK ScreenFrom the VAR-LINK Screen
From the VAR-LINK Screen
To archive or unarchive:
1. Press 2 ° to display the
VAR-LINK screen.
2. Select one or more variables, which can be in different folders. (You can select an
entire folder by selecting the folder name.)
Note: To select a single variable, highlight it. To select multiple variables, highlight
each variable and press † Ÿ.
You can access an archived variable just as you would any locked variable. For all
purposes, an archived variable is still in its original folder; it is simply stored in the user
data archive instead of RAM.
Note: An archived variable is locked automatically. You can access the variable, but you
cannot edit or delete it.
3. Press ƒ and select either:
8:Archive Variable
– or –
9:Unarchive Variable
If you select 8:Archive Variable, the variables
are moved to the user data archive.
û = archived variables