Differential Equation Graphing 412
Differences in Diff Equations and Function Graphing
Differences in Diff Equations and Function GraphingDifferences in Diff Equations and Function Graphing
Differences in Diff Equations and Function Graphing
This module assumes that you already know how to graph y(x) functions as described in
Basic Function Graphing. This section describes the differences.
Setting the Graph Mode
Setting the Graph ModeSetting the Graph Mode
Setting the Graph Mode
Use 3 to set
Graph = DIFF EQUATIONS before you define differential equations or set
Window variables. The Y= Editor and the Window Editor let you enter information for the
current Graph mode setting only.
Defining Differential Equations on the Y= Editor
Defining Differential Equations on the Y= EditorDefining Differential Equations on the Y= Editor
Defining Differential Equations on the Y= Editor
8. Graph the selected functions (8%).
Use t0 to specify when initial conditions occur.
You can also set t0 in the Window Editor.
Use yi to specify one or more initial conditions
for the corresponding differential equation.
You can define differential equations y1'(t)
through y99'(t).