Programming 629
Note: For information about graph pictures and databases, also refer to Additional
Graphing Topics.
Drawing on the Graph Screen
Drawing on the Graph ScreenDrawing on the Graph Screen
Drawing on the Graph Screen
To create a drawing object on the Graph screen, use the commands listed in this section.
Pixel vs. Point Coordinates
Pixel vs. Point CoordinatesPixel vs. Point Coordinates
Pixel vs. Point Coordinates
When drawing an object, you can use either of two coordinate systems to specify a
location on the screen.
CyclePic Animates a series of stored graph pictures.
NewPic Creates a graph picture variable based on a matrix.
RclGDB Restores all settings stored in a graph database.
RclPic Displays the Graph screen and superimposes a stored
graph picture by using OR logic.
RplcPic Clears the Graph screen and displays a stored graph
StoGDB Stores the current graph settings to a graph database
StoPic Copies the Graph screen (or a specified rectangular
portion) to a graph picture variable.
XorPic Displays the Graph screen and superimposes a stored
graph picture by using XOR logic.
Command Description