Statistics and Data Plots 552
4. Specify applicable settings for the active items.
Item Description
Plot Type Select the type of plot.
Select the symbol used to plot the data points: Box (›),
Cross (x), Plus (+), Square (
0), or Dot (¦).
x Type the column number in the Data/Matrix Editor (C1,
C2, etc.) used for x values, the independent variable.
y Type the column number used for y values, the
dependent variable. This is active only for Plot Type =
Scatter or xyline.
Hist. Bucket Width Specifies the width of each bar in a histogram.
Freq and
Select NO or YES. Note that Freq, Category, and
Include Categories are active only when Freq and
Categories? = YES. (Freq is active only for Plot Type =
Box Plot or Histogram.)
Freq Type the column number that contains a “weight” value
for each data point. If you do not enter a column
number, all data points are assumed to have the same
weight (1).
Category Type the column number that contains a category value
for each data point.
If you specify a Category, you can use this to limit the
calculation to specified category values. For example, if
you specify {1,4}, the plot uses only data points with a
category value of 1 or 4.