3D Graphing 382
Note: During a trace, you can also evaluate z(x,y). Type the x value and press ¸;
then type the y value and press ¸.
Moving the Cursor in 3D
Moving the Cursor in 3DMoving the Cursor in 3D
Moving the Cursor in 3D
When you move the cursor along a 3D surface, it may not be obvious why the cursor
moves as it does. 3D graphs have two independent variables (
x,y) instead of one, and
the x and y axes have a different orientation than other graphing modes.
How to Move the Cursor
How to Move the CursorHow to Move the Cursor
How to Move the Cursor
On a 3D surface, the cursor always follows along a grid wire.
Only 1:Value is available for 3D graphs. This tool displays
the z value for a specified x and y value.
After selecting 1:Value, type the x value and press
Then type the y value and press
Cursor Key Moves the cursor to the next grid point in the:
Positive x direction
Negative x direction
Positive y direction
Negative y direction
Tool For 3D Graphs: