Number Bases 683
Dividing When Base = HEX or BIN
Dividing When Base = HEX or BINDividing When Base = HEX or BIN
Dividing When Base = HEX or BIN
Base mode controls the displayed format
of integer results only.
Note: The Base mode affects output only. You
must always use the
0h or 0b prefix to enter a
hex or binary number.
Fractional and floating-point results are
always shown in decimal form.
When Base=HEX or BIN, a division result is
displayed in hexadecimal or binary form
only if the result is an integer.
To ensure that division always produces an
integer, use
intDiv( ) instead of e.
If Base mode = HEX:
0h prefix in result
identifies the base.
Press 8¸ to
display the result in
If Base mode = HEX: