Calculator Home Screen 207
Ï Last Answer
Result of your last entry. Note that results are not displayed on the entry line. Note:
8 ¸
(Approx) was used in this example.
The following example shows an answer that is not on the same line as the expression.
Note that the answer is longer than the screen width. An arrow (8) indicates the answer
is continued. The entry line contains ellipsis (…). Ellipsis indicates the entry is longer
than the screen width.
Last Entry
"Pretty print" is ON. Exponents, roots, fractions, etc., are displayed in the same form in which they
are traditionally written.
Ë History Area
Lists entry/answer pairs you have entered. Pairs scroll up the screen as you make new entries.
Ì Answer Continues
Highlight the answer and press
B to scroll right and view the rest of it. Note that the answer is not
on the same line as the expression.
Í Expression Continues (…)
B to scroll right and view the rest of the entry. Press 2A or 2B to go to the beginning
or end of the entry line.