Additional Graphing Topics 471
• If the Graph screen contains a function or stat plot that references the current
contents of
sysData, this command will not operate.
Graphing a Function Defined on the Home Screen
Graphing a Function Defined on the Home ScreenGraphing a Function Defined on the Home Screen
Graphing a Function Defined on the Home Screen
In many cases, you may create a function or expression on the Home screen and then
decide to graph it. You can copy an expression to the Y= Editor, or graph it directly from
the Home screen without using the Y= Editor.
What Is the “Native” Independent Variable?
What Is the “Native” Independent Variable?What Is the “Native” Independent Variable?
What Is the “Native” Independent Variable?
On the Y= Editor, all functions must be defined in terms of the current graph mode’s
“native” independent variable.
Graph Mode Native Independent Variable
Function x
Parametric t
Sequence n
3D x, y
Differential Equation t