Basic Function Graphing 317
4. After changing all applicable format settings, press ¸ to save your changes and
close the
GRAPH FORMATS dialog box.
Note: To cancel a menu or exit the dialog box without saving any changes, use N
instead of ¸.
Graphing the Selected Functions
Graphing the Selected FunctionsGraphing the Selected Functions
Graphing the Selected Functions
When you are ready to graph the selected functions, display the Graph screen. This
screen uses the display style and viewing window that you previously defined.
Displaying the Graph Screen
Displaying the Graph ScreenDisplaying the Graph Screen
Displaying the Graph Screen
Press 8%. The TI-89 Titanium automatically graphs the selected functions.
If you select an „
Zoom operation from the Y= Editor or Window Editor, the TI-89
Titanium automatically displays the Graph screen.
Interrupting Graphing
Interrupting GraphingInterrupting Graphing
Interrupting Graphing
While graphing is in progress:
BUSY indicator shows while
graphing is in progress.