Previews 86
Basic Function Graphing I
Basic Function Graphing I Basic Function Graphing I
Basic Function Graphing I
The example in this section demonstrates some of the graphing capabilities of the TI-89
Titanium keystrokes. It illustrates how to graph a function using the
Y= Editor. You will
3. Calculate the force when
m = 5 kilograms (_kg) and
a = 20 meters/second
If you know the abbreviation for a unit,
you can type it from the keyboard.
Press 5 8 5 2 ™ KG j p 20
8 5 2 ™ MS j 2 ¸
4. Using the same m, calculate the force for
an acceleration due to gravity
(the constant _g).
For _g, you can use the pre-defined
constant available from the
UNITS dialog
box or you can type _g.
Press 5 8 5 2 ™ KG j p 2
À B j G ¸ ¸
5. Convert to kilograms of force (_kgf).
2 4 displays the 4 conversion operator.
Press B 2 4 8 5 2 ™ KGF
j ¸
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