Basic Function Graphing 316
To turn off tick marks, define the viewing window so that xscl and/or yscl = 0.
Changing Settings
Changing SettingsChanging Settings
Changing Settings
From the GRAPH FORMATS dialog box:
1. Move the cursor to highlight the format setting.
2. Press B to display a menu of valid settings for that format.
3. Select a setting. Either:
• Move the cursor to highlight the setting, and then press ¸.
– or –
• Press the number for that setting.
Graph Order Graphs functions one at a time (SEQ) or all at the same
time (SIMUL). Not available when Discontinuity Detection
is set to ON.
Grid Shows (ON) or hides (OFF) grid points that correspond to
the tick marks on the axes.
Axes Shows (ON) or hides (OFF) the x and y axes.
Leading Cursor Shows (ON) or hides (OFF) a reference cursor that tracks
the functions as they are graphed.
Labels Shows (ON) or hides (OFF) labels for the x and y axes.
Eliminates (ON) or allows (OFF) faux asymptotes and
connections in a jump discontinuity.
Format Description