Parametric Graphing 353
„ Zoom
Works just as it does for function graphs, with the
following exceptions:
•Only x (xmin, xmax, xscl) and y (ymin, ymax, yscl)
Window variables are affected.
• The
t Window variables (tmin, tmax, tstep) are not
affected unless you select
6:ZoomStd (which sets
tmin = 0, tmax = 2p, and tstep = p/24).
… Trace
Lets you move the cursor along a graph one tstep at a
• When you begin a trace, the cursor is on the first
selected parametric equation at
• QuickCenter applies to all directions. If you move the
cursor off the screen (top or bottom, left or right), press
¸ to center the viewing window on the cursor
• Automatic panning is not available. If you move the
cursor off the left or right side of the screen, the TI-89
Titanium will not automatically pan the viewing window.
However, you can use QuickCenter.
‡ Math
Only 1:Value, 6:Derivatives, 9:Distance, A:Tangent,
and B:Arc are available for parametric graphs. These
tools are based on t values. For example:
• 1:Value displays x and y values for a specified t value.
6:Derivatives finds dy/dx, dy/dt, or dx/dt at a point
defined for a specified
t value.
Tool For Parametric Graphs: