Sequence Graphing 359
Window Variables
Window VariablesWindow Variables
Window Variables
The Window Editor maintains an independent set of Window variables for each Graph
mode setting (just as the Y= Editor maintains independent function lists). Sequence
graphs use the following Window variables.
Note: Both nmin and nmax must be positive integers, although nmin can be zero; nmin,
nmax, plotstrt and plotstep must be integers ‚ 1. If you do not enter integers, they will be
rounded to integers.
Variable Description
nmin, nmax Smallest and largest n values to evaluate. Sequences are
evaluated at:
... not to exceed ...
plotStrt The term number that will be the first one plotted
(depending on plotstep). For example, to begin plotting
with the 2nd term in the sequence, set plotstrt = 2. The
first term will be evaluated at nmin but not plotted.
plotStep Incremental n value for graphing only. This does not affect
how the sequence is evaluated, only which points are
plotted. For example, suppose plotstep = 2. The
sequence is evaluated at each consecutive integer but is
plotted at only every other integer.
xmin, xmax,
ymin, ymax
Boundaries of the viewing window.
xscl, yscl Distance between tick marks on the x and y axes.