236 AlterPath KVM/net Installation, Administration, and User’s Guide
The following table defines the fields and menu options in the “TCP Options
UDP Protocol Fields
If you select UDP as a protocol when specifying a rule, the additional fields
shown in the following figure appear at the bottom of the form.
Field/Menu Option Definition
Source Port
- OR -
Destination Port
You can specify a source or destination port number for filtering in
the “Source Port” or “Destination Port” field. If you specify a
second number in the “to” field, TCP packets are filtered for any
port number within the range that starts with the first port number
and that ends with the second.
TCP Flags
You can select the check box next to any of the TCP flags: “SYN”
(synchronize), “ACK” (acknowledge), “FIN” (finish), “RST”
(reset), “URG” (urgent), or “PSH” (push) and select either “Any,”
“Set,” or “Unset,” TCP packets are filtered for the specified flag
and the selected condition.