I/O Ports
15.4.2 Register Descriptions
Port 2 is a general-purpose input/output port that is also used for data bus signals D[15:8].
Each register for port 2 is described below.
Port 2 output register
Register symbol: P2OUT
Address: x'36008004
Purpose: This register sets the data to be output on port 2.
Bit No. 76543210
Bit name P27O P26O P25O P24O P23O P22O P21O P20O
Reset 00000000
Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Port 2 pin register
Register symbol: P2IN
Address: x'36008084
Purpose: This register reads the values of the port 2 pins.
Bit No. 76543210
Bit name P27I P26I P25I P24I P23I P22I P21I P20I