Bus Controller (BC)
When using handshaking mode (Memory control register 3B B3WM = 1)
Bit No. Bit name Description Setting conditions
1 WM Block 3 wait mode 1: Handshaking mode
2 BM Block 3 bus mode 0: Synchronous mode (SYSCLK synchronization)
4 BW Block 3 bus width 0: 8 bits
1: 16 bits
7 to 6 ASA1 to 0 AS assert timing 00: 0MCLK
11: 3MCLK
10 to 8 ASN2 to 0 AS negate timing 000: prohibited
Set so that: 001: 1MCLK
111: 7MCLK
15 to 11 WEN4 to 0 WE negate timing 00000: 0MCLK
11111: 31MCLK
Note: Handshaking mode can only be set when (MCLK frequency/SYSCLK frequency) = 4.
If (MCLK frequency/SYSCLK frequency) = 1 or 2, set B3WM = 0 in MEMCTR3B.
After the reset is released, block 3 is set as follows:
Address output end timing 3MCLK
RE negate timing 29MCLK
WE negate timing 29MCLK
RE/WE assert timing 3MCLK
Bus cycle start timing 0MCLK
Bus cycle end timing 31MCLK
AS assert timing 1MCLK
AS negate timing 3MCLK
The bus width is 16 bits, and synchronous fixed wait mode is set.