Interrupt Controller
Group 8 interrupt control register
Register symbol: G8ICR
Address: x'34000120
This register is used to enable group 8 interrupts, and to confirm interrupt requests and detection.
Bit No.1514131211109876543210
Bit - G8 G8 G8 - - SC1T SC1R - - SC1T SC1R - - SC1T SC1R
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Access R R/W R/W R/W R R R/W R/W R R R/W R/W R R R/W R/W
Bit No. Bit name Description
0 SC1RID Serial 1 reception interrupt detection flag
0: No interrupt detected 1: Interrupt detected
1 SC1TID Serial 1 transmission interrupt detection flag
0: No interrupt detected 1: Interrupt detected
3 and 2 — "0" is returned when these bits are read.
4 SC1RIR Serial 1 reception interrupt request flag
0: No interrupt request 1: Interrupt request
5 SC1TIR Serial 1 transmission interrupt request flag
0: No interrupt request 1: Interrupt request
7 and 6 — "0" is returned when these bits are read.
8 SC1RIE Serial 1 reception interrupt enable flag
0: Disabled 1: Enabled
9 SC1TIE Serial 1 transmission interrupt enable flag
0: Disabled 1: Enabled
11 and 10 — "0" is returned when these bits are read.
12 G8LV0 Group 8 interrupt priority level register (LSB)
13 G8LV1 Group 8 interrupt priority level register
14 G8LV2 Group 8 interrupt priority level register (MSB)
Set a level from 6 to 0.
15 — "0" is returned when this bit is read.