ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
and transport mode 503
ESS 1020
Ethernet interfaces 115, 290
and OSPF 296
and RIP 296
and routing protocols 294
basic characteristics 291
virtual 356
Ethernet ports 33
examples (tutorials) 115
exceptional services 444
experimental-options attack 641
extended authentication
and VPN gateways 470
IKE SA 501
Extended Service Set IDentification. See
Extended Service Set, See ESS 1020
external interface 96, 298
external modems 354, 899
ext-group 153
troubleshooting 908
false negatives 596, 628
false positives 596, 628, 630
FCC interference statement 1091
feature specifications 916
features overview 39
file decompression (in anti-virus) 580
file extensions
configuration files 873
shell scripts 873
file infector 587
file manager 873
configuration overview 112
file sharing
troubleshooting 906, 910
file sharing SSL application 791
create 796
filter, MAC address 333
filtered port scan 636
Firefox 47
firewall 449, 450
actions 462
and address groups 446, 462
and address objects 446, 462
and ALG 427, 430
and application patrol 548
and H.323 (ALG) 428
and HTTP redirect 424
and IPSec SA 452
and IPSec VPN 904
and logs 447, 462
and NAT 458
and port triggering 382, 902
and schedules 447, 462, 564, 567, 570
and service groups 462
and services 462, 738
and SIP (ALG) 429
and user groups 462, 465
and users 462, 465
and VoIP pass through 430
and zones 450, 460
asymmetrical routes 457, 459
configuration overview 105
global rules 451
prerequisites 105
priority 460
rule criteria 451
see also to-ZyWALL firewall 450
session limits 452, 462
to-ZyWALL, see to-ZyWALL firewall
triangle routes 457, 459
troubleshooting 897
vs application patrol 449, 452
and restart 881
boot module, see boot module
current version 224, 881
getting updated 881
uploading 880, 881
uploading with FTP 847
firmware package
troubleshooting 906
firmware upload
troubleshooting 912
flags 607
flash usage 224