ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
registration 277
and content filtering 648, 650, 652
configuration overview 100
prerequisites 100
product 1094
subscription services, see subscription
registration status
anti-virus 578
application patrol 558
IDP 592
regular expressions 260
reject (IDP)
both 599, 634
receiver 599, 634
sender 599, 634
related documentation 3
Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) 752, 753,
755, 756
remote access IPSec 474
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service,
remote desktop connections 792
Remote Desktop Protocol
see RDP
remote management
CNM 856
configuration overview 111
connection 853
FTP, see FTP
prerequisites 111
see also service control 823
Telnet 845
to-ZyWALL firewall 451
WWW, see WWW
remote network 467
remote user screen links 791
replay detection 474
anti-spam 271
anti-virus 263
collecting data 243
configuration overview 112
content filtering 267
daily 860
daily e-mail 860
IDP 265
specifications 245
traffic statistics 243
reset 912
vs reboot 891
RESET button 37, 912
response strings 854
reverse proxy mode 42, 507
1058 (RIP) 390
1389 (RIP) 390
1587 (OSPF areas) 392
1631 (NAT) 385
1889 (RTP) 434
2131 (DHCP) 360
2132 (DHCP) 360
2328 (OSPF) 391
2338 (VRRP) 703
2402 (AH) 475, 502
2406 (ESP) 475, 502
2510 (Certificate Management Protocol or
CMP) 773
2516 (PPPoE) 362
2637 (PPTP) 362
2890 (GRE) 362
3261 (SIP) 434
RIP 390
and Ethernet interfaces 296
and OSPF 390
and static routes 390
and to-ZyWALL firewall 390
authentication 390
direction 296
redistribute 390
RIP-2 broadcasting methods 296
versions 296
vs OSPF 389
Rivest, Shamir and Adleman public-key
algorithm (RSA) 772
round robin 371
troubleshooting 902
Routing Information Protocol, see RIP
routing protocols 389
and authentication algorithms 401
and Ethernet interfaces 294
routing table 97
RSA 772, 776, 783
RTP 434
see also ALG 434