Chapter 50 System
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
50.6.7 HTTPS Example
If you haven’t changed the default HTTPS port on the ZyWALL, then in your
browser enter “https://ZyWALL IP Address/” as the web site address where
“ZyWALL IP Address” is the IP address or domain name of the ZyWALL you wish to
access. Internet Explorer Warning Messages
When you attempt to access the ZyWALL HTTPS server, a Windows dialog box
pops up asking if you trust the server certificate. Click View Certificate if you
want to verify that the certificate is from the ZyWALL.
You see the following Security Alert screen in Internet Explorer. Select Yes to
proceed to the Web Configurator login screen; if you select No, then Web
Configurator access is blocked.
Figure 549 Security Alert Dialog Box (Internet Explorer)
Note Message Enter a note to display below the title. Use up to 64 printable ASCII
characters. Spaces are allowed.
Set how the window’s background looks.
To use a graphic, select Picture and upload a graphic. Specify the
location and file name of the logo graphic or click Browse to locate it.
Note: Use a GIF, JPG, or PNG of 100 kilobytes or less.
To use a color, select Color and specify the color.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the ZyWALL.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.
Table 242 Configuration > System > WWW > Login Page